Sunday, February 10, 2008

Happy Birthday, Zach!

Yesterday was Zach's 6th birthday. We only do big parties on the kids' 5th, 8th, 12th and 16th birthdays. We did have a few family members over, though, to help us celebrate. Grandpa Kurt & Barbara were there. They got Zach a "Stunt Copter", which is really cool and Zach LOVES it! Grandma Maddy, Shunae and Kayden came. Grandma is going to make him an outfit for the Rendezvous. Heather, Clark, CJ & Isabelle brought Zach some candy and some cool spider man toys. Dad got Zach his own pocket knife. (The blade is VERY much dulled and the point VERY much blunted! Don't worry!) Mom got him a giant box of "Zachary" chocolates. And we all got him a double barrel rifle and bow & arrow (fake, of course!).
zachs bday

We also bobbed for apples and then made caramel apples. The kids loved bobbing....especially Izzy! It was so freakin cute!
My creation


Moreau's said...

I love the bobbing for apples! So hilarious! Happy Birthday Zach! I can't believe he is already six! Were'nt we just in Santee, living across the street from eachother? you had zach, and then like two days later had lauren? Were does the time go?

HeaddaMarie said...

I love the pix! Except the one of me but who really likes pix of themselves?? I LOVE the one of Izzy!! She absolutely loved that!!

Adam and Dani said...

I have the cutest nieces and nephews ever. Wish I could have been there. When is Haylee's baptism? Maybe we can make a trip up... Miss you.

jessica rabbit said...

Haylee's baptism is April 12th. We were trying to do it March 15th but they wouldn't let us. We have to do it with the stake. Oh well.