Wednesday, February 25, 2009

National Guard

Chris joined the National Guard this last Friday. It took a lot of research, talking and praying before coming to the decision that this would be good for our family. I'm really excited for this but also nervous too. He does SO much around here that I'm really not sure how to do it alone any more. He'll be gone for 6 months. It'll be a long 6 months...

We didn't say anything to the kids about it until we knew for sure that this is what we were doing. We told them a couple of nights before he swore-in. They were all upset, Zach especially. I think he'll take Chris's being gone the hardest. Hopefully I can be a good and patient mom.

He swore-in on Friday, February 20, 2009

Here is after his haircut...atleast he doesn't get it shaved til AFTER he's left for training! (I don't like his head shaved...)

Off to drill the very next day.

I love you, Babe. And I'll miss you more than you can imagine when you're gone!


BrImHaLl FaMiLy said...

I have tears in my eyes so if I spell something wrong that's why! I will pray for you! I can't imagine what it would be like to have my husband gone for 6 months, but what a noble choice!

jessica rabbit said...

Thanks! You're so sweet! I'll be doing some traveling with the kids this summer to kill some time. Some of it will be spent at my moms so we'll have to get together a few times!

oneworld said...

I was so socked to read this yessterday. I knew Chris was patriotic but never thought he'd join the military. When does he leave? Is he reserves or full time? Will he have to go to Iraq???? I love you guys so much and wish you the very best. I'm here for you if you ever need a lending hand or a break. We can have all the kids play out back like summer camp: ) Call me!!!

Lisa Lee said...

You are BOTH so brave. Thank you for your willingness to do this for our country. Love and blessings to you and the kids. PS - I think he looks really good with the short hair. That's saying a lot from someone that grew up loving long hair during the hippie era....Lisa Lee