Monday, January 25, 2010


Here's an update regarding the orphans in Haiti (taken from Lori's blog):

We have a plane, we have a plane, we have a plane!!!!! Please stop and say a prayer of thanks.

A group that would prefer we don't mention their names has arranged a flight going into Haiti with humanitarian supplies. They have been given a slot to land on Thursday. They will unload their cargo. They will check off and load the kids. Then they are coming home to SALT LAKE CITY UTAH.

They have some doctors and nurses going down on the plane to return with the children to make sure everyone is getting everything they need as soon as possible. I told them, "They all look really healthy" and he said, 'Then they'll snuggle the children who are scared".

And then I cried a little bit more.

Chareyl is at the Embassy now. She will be there all day long picking up Humanitarian Paroles. I will notify you as I get confirmation that she has your child's paperwork in her hot little hand as the day progresses.

They're coming home, ladies and gentlemen! They're coming home!!

Still issues in the "Finding Jessica" department. All the other children have been rounded up. We've had so many miracles, I have to trust that the Lord knows what is best for my daughter and put this in His Hands. He has a plan for Miss Jess. I hope it's the same plan I have for her.

Funds are no longer needed for jet fuel but the orphange is still in desperate need of money to provide for the current orphans and new orphans (created by this catastrophe) and to rebuild the orphanage.

Thanks to everyone who has donated thus far! To continue to make donations I would suggest making it through the Red Cross or through Lori's blog if you'd like to donate directly to the orphanage "Hope for Little Angels of Haiti". This is a 501(c)3 charitable organization.