Friday, June 13, 2008

Zach is "That Child"

You know how most families have "that kid"...the one that is always getting hurt, mostly because they're doing dumb things that most other kids wouldn't? Well, that's Zach. Fortunately, most everything he's done so far to get injured hasn't been too bad...yet. (knock on wood) Take for instance Zach jumping on top of Jordan when Jordan wasn't expecting it and putting his legs up to protect his face (he was laying down). Well...Zach got a knee in has face which made him bite through his lower lip. Poor Jordan was so worried about me getting mad about blood on the carpet that he cupped his hands under Zach's mouth as he guided him up the stairs. Am I really that mean???
Well...just a couple days later....who's bleeding...again??? Yes. Zach. This time the kids were all outside playing on the patio. Zach was walking backwards and tripped as he turned around and fell right into the handle bar of the scooter Lauren was standing on. And not just into the handle bar but the EDGE of the handle bar. You know where the foam padding is supposed to be over the ends where you put your hands? And the foam always seems to come off so of course there was no foam there. His cheek went right into the sharp metal edge and left a wonderful gash. Needless to say I took him to urgent care and the doc stiched it up nicely. Zach was very brave and was rewarded with gum. Yes, gum. I had offered him ice cream if he was good, but he requested gum. So after the doctor was done with him he was somehow under the impression he was getting BOTH. And somehow he manipulated me into agreeing with it. =)

The gash was through some of the muscle so the
Dr had to stitch that up before he could stitch the top.

Dr. Dad taking the stitches out the following week.


Adam and Dani said...

Poor Zachy.

Donna/Mom said...

Wow, poor thing. He looks like he is trying to be so brave.

love mom

Donna/Mom said...

The bloody nose and chin looks pretty grewsom.