Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I got tagged....

I don't usually do these, but I figured I might as well. I'm sitting here sick and can't clean my disgusting house so I might as well do something (useful?).

My 8 Favortite TV Shows:
1. Prison Break
2. Lost
3. Big Love
4. My Name is Earl
5. The Office
6. Oprah
7. Spongebob
8. Jon & Kate Plus 8

My 8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Olive Garden
2. Paradise Cafe
3. Cafe Rio
4. Thai House
5. CPK
6. Zupa's
7. Jake's Del Mar
8. Romano's Macaroni Grill

8 Things that Happened Yesterday:
1. Woke up
2. Cleaned
3. Ran Errands
4. Made Dinner and Homemade Bread
5. Attempted to Clean my Oven...I think I'm doing something wrong...
6. Cleaned the insde and outside of my main floor windows
7. Homework with Kids
8. Skipped my Weight-Training Class

8 Things I Look Forward to:
1. My sister coming to visit
2. Eating good food while she's here
3. Work on Friday night
4. Steph's Wedding
5. Not being sick
6. Getting back on my diet and losing some more weight
7. Naptime
8. Bedtime

8 Things I Love About Fall:
1. The smells!
2. All the baking
3. Family
4. The cold...I love bundling up
5. Hot chocolate
6. The Holidays
7. The fall colors
8. Making soups, chili and home-made bread

8 Things on My Wishlist:
1. A Warm & Tropical Vacation
2. Get in-shape and look HOT
3. Motivation to eat right
4. Be a better mom
5. To be content
6. For us to not get the flu anymore. It sucks!
7. Money
8. Happiness

8 People I'm Tagging:


oneworld said...

Sooooo.... no walking wed. night??? Let me know. Hope you feel better!!! Steph's wedding ??? Stephanie Sadlier?????? Miss you! It's been a busy but fun week with the family!!

Andrea said...

sorry that you are sick too....it suck! everybody is sick now...is probably the change of weather?? hope you feel better soon:)

Donna/Mom said...

what is "I got tagged"

Andrea said...

Hey! my emil address is andykatlyt@hotmail.com