Monday, November 10, 2008

Scout Camp

Jordan and Chris went on a scout campout to Diamond Fork this last Friday. They got to hike up to the hot springs and take a dip. They had a lot of fun. I'm glad they were able to go together this time, since I didn't have to work. I had Heather and the kids over that night to hang out and eats lots of junk food. The kids played downstairs (mostly anyway) and me and Heather played games and the Wii!

Scout Campout-nov2008


HeaddaMarie said...

I need to get more Wii games!! The Wii Play & Wii Playground are next on my list! As well as Mario Kart! That was fun!! Sometimes frustrating! hehehe We need to have more game nights! It was fun! Thanks for having the kids & I over!