Monday, July 20, 2009


Zach got stung by a wasp a few days ago. Right under his eye. The next morning it had swollen up til his eye could barely open. Poor kid. I had gotten stung on the foot by one just the day beore, so I really felt for him. Those things HURT. His eye is looking much better today! If you need something to take the pain away from stings and bites, use Benadryl Anti-Itch Gel. It works so well!


McMackin Family said...

Oh my gosh that looks horrible!! Thanks for the tip on the benadryl!! Mom's can always use good tips!

HeaddaMarie said...

I think I will try the benadryl, the stuff I have isn't working so well for my mosquito bites.

Donna/Mom said...

Oh my gosh! Poor little guy. Hope he is feeling better. Give him hugs and kisses from maime.